

16.6.14 14:32 - Top notch trailn'



Kruta, kruta, beidzot uzfotkāts arī kemtreils no B-2! Lūk, bumbmetēji var mest arī ķīmiju! Moška ar šito varētu, piemēram, plašās nekurienēs sēt kaņepes vai kādu citu derīgu augu. Bet ne jau cilvēku labklājība ir dievu, ptu, saimnieku, ptu, politiķu mērķis.

16.6.14 14:07 - Īsa piezīme par kemtreiliem


14.6.14 14:21 - Ziemassvētki

Protams, kemtreili un laikapstākļu ietekmēšana (un geoengineering) ir nepopulāri, bet tagad mums ap vasaras saulgriežiem snieg.

Var jau būt, ka tā ir kaut kāda visparastākā krusa. Bet tāpat - ap vasaras saulgriežiem :]

6.6.14 10:53 - global warning

Gandrīz katru dienu kaut kur tiek publicēti jauni prātojumi par to, ka vajadzētu pūst atmosfērā tos sūdus, ko tur jau pūš. Lūk, kārtējais iegansts smidzināt hvz ko - oficiāli "globālās sasilšanas" novēršanai (kura ar tām pašām ļotenēm un mākslīgajem mākoņiem tiek tikai veicināta, lai visādi aklie pēc tam pirstu Briseles krēslā par to, ka - uj, cik labi, glābsim planētu, noindēsim populāciju!). Sen tas tiek darīts. Pārāk daudzi ievērojuši, tagad jāizstrādā kaut kāds [muļķiem] ticams iegansts turpināt to, kas to pašu redzēšanu apslāpētu.

4.6.14 12:20 - Ņūz

Nebraskā normāls jūnijs:

Bet pie mums - virs galvas līnijas. Joprojām regulē un glābj. Laikam arī uz "globālo sasilšanu" attiecas prātula "ar ko slimo, ar to jāārstē".

4.6.14 00:10

30.5.14 16:14 - kemtreilu arhīvi

Pagaidām kemtreilus vietējās fočenēs senāk par 2007. gadu neizdodas atrast. Pirms tam visur vai nu normāli mākoņi vai arī zilas debesis, kādu īsti vairs nemēdz būt. Nato ir 10 gadus. Moš arī uzreiz 2004. gadā vēl nesāka.

30.5.14 14:47 - note to self: chemtrail pages


30.5.14 11:45 - FYI


29.5.14 11:30 - note to self

Jādabū vezerčārti šitādam ehperimentam.
Pašažieŗu ļotenes maucot apmēram 850 km/h. Pēc tā varētu izciparot augstumu vismaz uz to brīdi, kad to kuiņu izpūš (ja vien militārās ļotenes nebliež ātrāk vai lēnāk).
Un jāiziet cauri šitai lapai, vismaz kaut kāda sistemātiskāka infa.
Nu, un šitā tabuliņa atbilst tam, cik ilgi paliek normāli kontreileri:

Observations of Flight Explorer confirmed contrails and highly persistent trails from jets not appearing on Flight Explorer are graphed for persistence and by date. The persistence of the highly persistent trails is an approximate generalized value of 6 hours, actual persistence could be shorter or longer. The magnitude of persistence makes accurate individual measurements difficult due to logisitical and temporal challenges.

labi, pēčāk..

P. S.
Tātur aftora (M Steadham) samarijs:

The goal of this research was to determine if there was a type of trail that was inconsistent with normal contrails, especially with regard to increased persistence. What was found is that highly persistent trails that last for many hours were seen above Houston, TX on a majority (60%) of observable days during the data collection period. However during this time period none of the 46 Flight Explorer confirmed contrails observed persisted for over 30 minutes and most contrails were under 30 seconds of persistence. Additionally it was discovered that the jets that were responsible for leaving highly persistent trails that last for hours did not ever appear on Flight Explorer and were documented for 8 separate instances, including one instance with two jets in formation. These unidentifiable jets were found to produce a contrail that was consistent with confirmed contrails during the periods when they weren't leaving highly persistent trails. Highly persistent trails are often seen in the form of isolated relatively short strips, as well as large areas of cirrus aviaticus clouds, but on rare occasions have been seen in totally unique grid and wheel formations.

It is hoped that others will endeavor to repeat these observations and publish their results. By repeating the basic observations for persistence length and whether the flight appears on Flight Explorer, it will be seen whether or not a trend emerges confirming the existence of a unique category of trail. Atmospheric differences due to higher moisture and colder temperatures in different locations will produce greater maximum persistence observed for identifiable traffic. For those in locations with greatest contrailing potential, the task of collecting data on highly persistent trails from unidentifiable flights will be hardest.

In this research I have gone to great lengths to measure and characterize my observations as accurately as possible in order to provide the clearest representation possible given the resources available.

28.5.14 19:32 - "Neiespējamais" iespējamais

Ja to var patentēt... vai to var arī izdarīt?

One proposed solution to the problem of global warming involves the seeding of the atmosphere with metallic particles. One technique proposed to seed the metallic particles was to add the tiny particles to the fuel of jet airliners, so that the particles would be emitted from the jet engine exhaust while the airliner was at its cruising altitude.

Tas gan nav vienīgais šāda veida patents - ja pameklē, to kemtreilīgo risinājumu ir gana daudz.

27.5.14 12:03 - Nojaucot 20 gadus veco H.A.A.R.P. (moving on)

Ja savu t.s. sazvērestību apzinās arī paši sazvērnieki - vai arī tad tā ir "tikai sazvērestības teorija"?

27.5.14 09:32 - FIB šefs uzadījis alumīnija cepuri?

What's wrong with you?


27.5.14 02:56 - Same old

Ā, pareizi, Denveras lidostā taču bija tie superīgie NWO propagandas zīmējumi. Viens no tēliem bija tas tur Nazi-Death ar indīgo nāves līniju, yeah.


27.5.14 02:47 - Al

Vai kondensāts krīt tādā lentē? Dunno.

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