
6. Janvāris 2015


How corrupting the false humility of denying your own divinity
whence falls the frivolous vanity, intent on surmounting infinity!
The keys, the words, tacit, implict,
the frothing worlds, dismissed and illicit,
spewing gall - off dead lips you kiss it;
Recollect the fractured insanity, who put the "man" in humanity
to stray in recluse temerity, the lost in pursuit of mere verity
scraping the ground, scribbling "bury me.."
Memory - "Marry me!"
better be dead, I'll be
bones clad in lethargy
liturgy, little "g"

The Eye, everwachful, it closes the eyelids of earth,
incarnation was never the life. It was merely a vessel for birth.
The toes and the fingers, the worms 'neath the sands,
the dead and the mortal repose shaking hands,
but breath, as it lingers, let loose at a foolish behest,
takes time to discover, if only in jest,
what treasure may lie in this hidden and locked, heaven-forsaken old chest.


Kad cilvēks kļūst par muļķi, nevajag uztvert viņu nopietni. Savukārt, ja kāds beidzot ir nopietns, tam der pieiet ar muļķa vienkāršību. Bet beigu beigās tas ir viens un tas pats, tikai otrādi.

Vissūdīgāk ir pilnā nopietnībā blenzt spogulī - pat ja tas neesi tu. Tādā veidā aiziet var ļoti ātri. Pa pieskari, piemēram. Vai skuju taku.
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