
4. Aprīlis 2014

09:43 - Rīta atskaite

Labrīt, specdienesti, man viss kārtībā!


Viens, divi, trīs,
nu, tu gan esi brīvs!

19:18 - Note to self from Neil Postman

Seven questions that we should ask of any new technology:
1. What is the problem to which a technology claims to be the solution?
2. Whose problem is it?
3. What new problems will be created because of solving an old one?
4. Which people and institutions will be most harmed?
5. What changes in language are being promoted?
6. What shifts in economic and political power are likely to result?
7. What alternative media might be made from a technology?

Izcēlumus var salikt arī katrs pa savam.

19:40 - Skaistuma maskas, atmazkas un maz kas cits, kas vairs nav tas pats

Pieradums laupa perspektīvu, un tādi pavērsiena brīži kā saulriets un saullēkts var to atsvaidzināt. Tas, protams, nav nekas jauns - ja neskaita to, ka riet saule.
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