14:55 - o)))
Biju jau piemirsis, kā izklausās skaļa mūzika :3
17:29 - DJ Bobo - Technology
"You are now
In a world of music
In a world of sample sounds
Produced by
A concentrately programmed sequencer
In a world of beats and bars
A completely new dimension
To the results
Of a tremendous dream
Of technology
Combined with deep emotions
Let the dream come true"
17:39 - the human factor
Nezinu gan par tiem kinoteātriem un krogiem.., kad man gribas kaut ko debilu, es vienkārši uzlieku DJ Bobo vai sarunāju muļķības, all in the comfort of my own home.
23:00 - īū
A member of the German wireless police picks up signals on the radio equipment he carries on his back, while his colleague takes notes. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images). Circa 1925
-- Pēc brīža, Amerikā ---
“Smokey” Buchanan from the West Palm Beach police force, measuring the bathing suit of Betty Fringle on Palm Beach, to ensure that it conforms with regulations introduced by the beach censors. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images). USA, 1925