
1. Decembris 2013

12:46 - laiks nav nauda

There was time, when I was poor man. I beg for change on street. And Father Time always give me change. And when I rich and go on street, I give change too. I become Father, I become Time.

13:37 - Father Time Overcome by Love, Hope and Beauty, 1627, Simon Vouet


Datori lielāko daļu laika pat nenojauš, cik pilnīgi apjukuši un bezmērķīgi mēs esam, uzdot viņiem visas tās komandas. Nerunājot par shit damn wasted.


- That tiny voice in your head...
- Yes?
- I does talk to you, now, does it?
- Well... oviously, it has been a while since I really had the time to, sort of, indulge and really lay back, you know, I couldn't just quit my ordeals and responsibilities, I could not possibly just waste my precious hours on listening to fucking voices, now would I? Fuck's sake...
- It can leave you, the little voice, you know...
- Uh...
- It can, though.
- Well... where would it go to, then? Supposing it exists in the first place.
- It would go Away. That's about as much as you should be concerned about it.
- Where? What? Fuck off - what the fuck is this shit?
- This is the shit, man, this is the shit.


your brain is real-time rewireable


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