
29. Augusts 2012

00:04 - Mans Modes Blogs

Vot šitās bik parullētās bikses liekas pavisam tizli.

Tas tā kā skaitās... kā? Trakulīgi? Nerātni? Vieglprātīgi? Vai varbūt praktiski? Hvz, imho izskatās pēc estētiski vienaldzīga opīša mēģinājuma nesasmērēt bikses, pārrokot mazdārziņa sauso ateju. Nevar kaut kā tā nedarīt or smth.? Neglīti taču!

17:24 - Wee wil wee wil rap yoo!

One might be surprised to learn that rapt, a word used in describing states of deep delight or absorption, has a relative with an entirely different emotive force - rape. Now most often used to mean "to force someone to submit to sexual acts," rape once had a much broader application, as it meant "to seize, carry off." In fact, it was often used in positive and nonviolent contexts. From the Middle English period, we have examples of its being used to mean "to carry off to heaven from earth," as in "the visions of seynt poul wan [when] he was rapt in to paradys." As this quotation shows, rapt started out as the past participle of rape. As time went on, rapt became restricted to mental or emotional states, while rape developed a new past participle, raped, and became limited to criminal or violent acts.

23:54 - Facepalming

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