15 September 2009 @ 09:32 pm
šodienas angļu valodas lekcija, jēij  
es: I would like to have a black t-shirt with Frank Zappa on front and the text "Call any vegetable" on the back. (tāds uzdevums - intervēt par to, kādu kreklu gribētu)
I. (? - I guess, es 3/4 no kursa vienkārši katru dienu redzu kā pirmo reizi un nevienu nepazīstu:D): You must be using drugs!
es: Yes, I'm full of them right now! [gaaara pauze] ...because of my sore throat and headache!
I. oooook... Now it's my turn. I would like to have a pink t-shirt with the text "The Next Heartbreaker"
es: [mentally rolls eyes...]
skaņa: Janis Joplin
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kazimira[info]kazimira on September 16th, 2009 - 11:02 am
ha,ha,cik jauki :) sasmējos, kurš par kuru biedējošāks :P jauki kursa biedri,ļoti :)
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