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February 3rd, 2003

[info]platinum01:41 pm - sasapnjojies:)
We have not had the pleasure of each other's acquaintance but I hope this will be remedied soon, I am in search of an business partner who can invest and manage some funds into a viable endeavor, capable of yielding reasonable annual return as profit on principal amount invested.

I prefer a partner who can clear the funds to his account, carry out the actual business and remit profit to my account without trace. I require someone to be my eyes, ears and hands, someone who is reliable and trustworthy, and above all cautious, who has a vision and who will be able to manage whatever business in which we shall inject venture capital and declare a profit at the end of the day. We need someone who can share my dreams and ideas.

Should you be interested and capable, please contact me via email for further details.

I hope to hear from you.

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