fantastikal - 22. Septembris 2014
22. Septembris 2014
Pirmdiena, 22. Septembris 2014 00:34

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Pirmdiena, 22. Septembris 2014 01:01

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Pirmdiena, 22. Septembris 2014 09:40
Woke up a real mess - puffy eyes with yellow corners, eyelids uncomfortably heavy over eyelashes, stinging, badly grazed black-coloured knee from a bike crash; mess in my head without properly knowing why. Is it because I'm expecting someone to solve all my problems, yet is impossible to be there? Or is it because I've revealed to the point of vulnerability? I feel like a gash has been sliced open. I cry so heavily.

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Pirmdiena, 22. Septembris 2014 20:55

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Pirmdiena, 22. Septembris 2014 23:54
paspējot kaut ko (iepriekšnoteiktajā) laikā, jūtos kā varone - tas notiek tik reti

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