fantastikal - 30. Augusts 2014
30. Augusts 2014
Sestdiena, 30. Augusts 2014 00:38
es nezinu

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Sestdiena, 30. Augusts 2014 08:40

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Sestdiena, 30. Augusts 2014 12:06
es tiešām daru visu, ko gribu

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Sestdiena, 30. Augusts 2014 14:29

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Sestdiena, 30. Augusts 2014 16:36
All this build up
I can't imagine how amazing it will be

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Sestdiena, 30. Augusts 2014 20:14
ok, es laikam tiku pāri žlembainajam noskaņojumam. beidzot!!!!

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