fantastikal - 16. Novembris 2009
16. Novembris 2009
Pirmdiena, 16. Novembris 2009 21:26

nu jau man pēc ceļojuma ir krietni labāks iespaids par vāciešiem, vāciju, kultūru.
ai, baigi feini bija. tagad tik jāārstē tulznas kājās un jāieslīgst tievēšanas režīmā.
jākļūst atkal par lellīti. jasāk rakstīt savs jaunais, skumjais stāsts. tik īpatnēji līdzīgs.


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Pirmdiena, 16. Novembris 2009 23:23
So I begin a new page of my sad, sad story, just waiting to be turned.
Everything is swaying on the verge of quietly exploding.
This beginning would unravel fast and unnoticed, like time lost in the books I read.
Tick tock, tick tock. It's one o'clock.
Tick tock, tick tock, please help me stop.
My head might burn but my eyes glaze over
And I’m gently flowing down rivers or great clouds –
The consistency is enveloping my heavy, tired limbs
White milk swirls over my face as I simply go under.
I am easily burned, but even faster when drowning.
I have mastered the art of stopping my all too pitiful gulping for air.
I know how to make the pain go away by making it hurt faster,
Because when all there is adds up to everything, everything adds up to nothing.

I can’t go to sleep. I wasn’t taught.

Keep it quiet. Keep it safe. Never-ever-ever let it leave your lips, never-ever-ever let it slip out. Don't you dare stumble. Don't you dare trip. But remember moving is impossible to those who are paralyzed by the veil they keep. My second skin of thick marble still hidden under the smears of black earth. Stay.

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