fantastikal - 3. Jūnijs 2009
3. Jūnijs 2009
Trešdiena, 3. Jūnijs 2009 19:35
mmmmmmmm... opis atveda zemenes. un izrādās, ka tīri fiksi jau pirmās četras lapaspuses uzradās.

pie pirmās izdevības, MAN GRIBAS MUZICĒT. jādabū tā sūda programma vienreiz. animācijā ieliku visādas skaņas, no kurām gribas kaut ko uztaisīt.

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Trešdiena, 3. Jūnijs 2009 21:44
I could shut the door. Or leave it open. Or shut it. Or leave it open.
If I stay you will never, ever, ever go. Don't. Please don't go.
If you stay I'll keep on watching you with wide eyes, wide eyes, wide eyes.
You're my prey. I play hunter. I watch you suffer. I watch you bleed.
You think I'm unattached. I play lies, I play lies, I play lies...
And it's only of use that you feel this way. Don't shut the door.
I will keep it open, but you won't enter unless I ask you in.
You're still waiting in the rain, believing you were uninvited.
Because people like you, you don't need my silent invitations.
You should know better. I should know better. Matter over mind.

But wait! There's more! It's not like it's in my power to shut this door!
IT WAS OPEN FROM DAY ONE. You fool. And I'm just as foolish as you.

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