fantastikal - Komentāri
Otrdiena, 30. Jūnijs 2009 18:40

She stood at the strawberry patch. It was the middle of summer, and the sun was starting to set, playing an orange glow behind the delicate lace of leaves in the garden.
It was green. Everything was green and spoke of life. The green leaves in the green grass and green sky... with a tiny hint of red.
She fell to her knees and crouched down like a panther, silently watching the faint glimmers of red. She crawled through the growth, into the garden and under the crow-nets, watching her target as an animal might eye their pray. The luscious red was leading her deeper and deeper.. She carefully placed each finger, each limb amongst the black earth surrounding the roots and stems. Her slow advancing through the canopy was like a dance, hair catching sunlight and glimmering under the berry leaves. Her body swayed forward through the narrow, green space.
She picked only the sweetest, most ripened ones and ate them on the spot. Carefully eyeing the shiny surface of voluminous red and watching the shades of purple that danced in the shadows, she ripped open the belly of the glorious, juicy strawberry with her teeth. It was so sweet. She broke the skin and fed on the luscious red and soft white inside. They were so beautiful in the light, each carefully picked new fruit. The reddest, the biggest, the sweetest. The flavor seemed to melt inside her mouth as she ate, regarding each berry in awe. They were so perfect. Red, red, red! Like a some poor animal caught, they were snatched and savored. Bitten and swallowed. She crawled out and then lay on the grass and stared into the sun, into the sky.

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