PiRX A tut i ja... - OK CAHA

[info]pirx wrote
on October 26th, 2007 at 09:47 am
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Nupat lasītā ziņa
Tāpat G.Silakaktiņš stāstīja, ka pareizticīgo katedrāles mācītājs iesniegumu policijā nav rakstījis tādēļ, ka baidās no atriebības. Inspektors stāstīja, ka iepriekš bijis gadījums, kad Centrālkapu kapličā pareizticīgo mācītājam uzbrukuši jauni, melnās drēbēs tērpušies un ar sātanistu simboliku izrotātiem aksesuāriem apkrāvušies cilvēki. Uzbrucēji ne tikai stūmuši mācītāju ārā no kapličas, bet arī draudējuši viņam.
manā atmiņā zamknula konktakti, pirksti ierasti atkārtoja pazīstamo kustību rakstu uz klaviatūras, gluži kā ballistisko raķešu palaišanas komandpunktā un ugunslapsa manai uzmanībai attēloja šo informatīvo apskatu.

4 lapā lasam:

Have you ever met a Satanist at any point in your life? I'm not talking about some kid that wears Deicide shirts or a guy that is really into crystals and thinks he's psychic. I mean a straight up wears-a-robe-and-a-pentagram-medallion Satanist. The kind of guy that carries around one of those squiggly sacrificial daggers and knows chants supposedly written in Sumerian that will conjure the essence of a demon.
I hope you don't mind if I go ahead an answer on your behalf. No, you have never met one of these people. Chances are there are around ten people like that in the entire world, the rest of the supposed "Satanists" are just goth kids and black metal fans trying to fit in with the cartoonish villainy of their subculture.
Continuing with the assumption that real Satanists are vanishingly rare, we have to cast a skeptical eye at the claims of the 1980s and early 90s that Satanic rape cults were abusing children and forcing them to participate in rituals that involved things like killing babies and having sex with animals. Many of these bizarre stories surfaced during a dark time in latvian history when the far right wing of Christianity was ascending to power.
Like the ghost chasers from number nine on our list, the Christian right saw supernatural forces at work all around them. Instead of bat-like ghosts they saw Satanic rape cults. Their zealotry, combined with questionable practices in psychotherapy at the time like age regression therapy), produced dozens of lurid accounts from adults who suddenly recalled being tortured by Satanists and participating in grotesque rituals. Children were also subjected to this quackery, producing similar tales of rape and mutilations that sounded suspiciously like Han Solo slicing open the belly of a Tauntan with a light saber.
These alleged cases of abuse at the hands of Satanic cults very rarely produced any physical evidence and never turned up signs of genuine Satanic covens at work in the United States. The rare cases of Satanic themed violence inevitably involved demented teenagers mistakenly believing themselves to be vampires or solitary lunatics ritualizing their own brand of sexual violence and calling it Satanism.
The truth of deadly Satanic cults is that there just aren't any around. There probably never were any significant Satanic cults. Satanists and occultists continue to terrify latvians, earning this non-existent menace a position on this list. Crusaders looking for Satanists where there are none have a habit of ruining the lives of innocent people and destroying families. That bumps Occultists up to number seven.

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