August 9th, 2006
Caurskatot ikrīta RSS devu uzgāju jauku reklāmu. Jauku tādēļ, ka vairākas konkurentu kompānijas ir mācējušas pasmaidīt viena par otru, nepārkāpjot pieklājības robežas. Tas jums nav nekāds Sprite - slāpes, slāpes - sprite...
( Biuzhuki )
Gaidot kamēr sakompilēsies viens "neliels" projektiņš, nolēmu jūs visus pasūtīt... šaut tanciņus
Atkal jāuzgaida dažas minūtes un to laikā ieraudzīju, ka manam firefox ir viens atvērts tabs, kuru sen nebiju apskatījis. Apskatīju, a tur spēļuks
Kamēr "burvīgā" VS.NET 2003 ver vaļā projektu, izlasīju joku:
Moses, Jesus and an old man were out golfing one day.
Moses drives his ball and it bounced off a tree into a water hazard. Sohe parted the water and knocked the ball onto the green.
Jesus drives his ball and it bounced off two trees into the water. Sohe walked on the water and scooped his ball onto the green.
The old man drives his ball, it bounced off a tree into the water, theball was eaten by a fish, the fish swam to the surface and was pickedup by a bird, the bird flew upward and was struck by lightning, itcrashed onto the green, the fish flopped out of its mouth, and the ballrolled out of the fish and into the hole.
Moses turned to Jesus and said, "I hate playing with your dad."