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Skumjš vakars [27. Apr 2010|18:36]
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[Current Music |Elliot Berard - Beautiful (Eminem cover)]

18:28 Elliot
i am trying to come up with something good to tell you but i don't really know, but i think ur crazy awesome and that's all, and u should never doubt of it and u don’t have to try to be what ur not because that’s what’s really cool, or u can be different persons like david bowie too, and that’s cool too but u don’t really have to

the rest is in the song beautiful

[User Picture]
Date:27. Aprīlis 2010 - 21:29
[User Picture]
Date:28. Aprīlis 2010 - 19:36
Anet, tie ir tādi ļaunīgie smiekli?
[User Picture]
Date:28. Aprīlis 2010 - 21:15
Ļaunīgie gluži nē, tomēr visi tie vārdi skumjas man neizsauca nemaz.
[User Picture]
Date:28. Aprīlis 2010 - 22:26
Man jau ar ne, skumjas bija pirms tam.