Kaķu spēciņš - kaut kas veel... [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Kaķu spēciņš

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kaut kas veel... [28. Apr 2004|21:18]
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[Current Mood |miegains/labestiigs/skumjsh]
[Current Music |The Doors Alabama Song]

The Stills Lola, Stars and Stripes
Gomez Cacth Me Up
Coldplay Yellow
Pink Floyd See Emily Plays
Queen Find Me Somebody To Love
The White Stripes We're Going To Be Friends
The Doors Alabama Song

[User Picture]
Date:28. Aprīlis 2004 - 21:20
electric six - dance commander
fool`s garden - probaply
ramones - sheena is a punkrocker
teh hives - mind offender
[User Picture]
Date:29. Aprīlis 2004 - 18:57
man ir electrix six albums
paklanieties man
[User Picture]
Date:29. Aprīlis 2004 - 19:36
HA, man ir The Satellites albums, kurš ir tikai laimīgajiem un vēl par tādu cenu!!!!!! Paldies Sveetaa_seeta
[User Picture]
Date:30. Aprīlis 2004 - 13:12
man ir Fastum Gel un par velti- saule iedeva!!