vinjsh gribeeja mani pashpietiekamu. :
caur pashizniicinaashanos un sevis laushanu es kljuvu,
bet uzreiz sapratu, ka man vinju nemaz nevajag.
caur pashizniicinaashanos un sevis laushanu es kljuvu,
bet uzreiz sapratu, ka man vinju nemaz nevajag.
What I am to you is not real :
What I am to you you do not need
What I am to you is not what you mean to me
forgive me miles and miles of mountains
And apart them with the sea
What I am to you you do not need
What I am to you is not what you mean to me
forgive me miles and miles of mountains
And apart them with the sea
Mūzika: sasodiitais riiss - par vulkaaniem