PHz superblociņš [bloks|kalendārs|spamparāde|autors]

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[ kalendārs | MEGA!!! ]

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I want to taste e=mc² [2006-11-13|02:40]
[Tagi|, , ]
[Mūzika |J. S. Bach - Brandenburg concerto #3]

"... And it was that day, when I first played Doom that I knew my life was going to change.
It was a defining moment in my life. So basically I just tripped on top of it really..."
Tim Willits

Tim, es tev pilnībā piekrītu, tikai Doom jānomaina pret !

ĒRGLI DAG un KANZAM, jūs esat mani dievi un es atdotu savu , lai kļūtu par jūsu pravieti!


This is the STRANGEST wad ever made. Most of the action takes place in a cube 8192x8192x8192 in size.. A two-year production with more new graphics than any other PWAD in the known galaxy. Built using monomolecular technology in DEU! (Grid size 4:1 is still too small [sigh])

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