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as i dream about movies they won't make of me when i'm dead - Post a comment

May. 27th, 2011 05:39 pm

O tikko teica, ka viņš būtu labs psihoterapeits. trīs sesijas un visas sadrāztās smadzenītes aizietu klusējot nošauties. vēl viņš teica, ka, ja es tā darīšu, viņš uz mana kapa bēršot santa maria garšvielas. man reizēm ir tik ļoti no sirds žēl, ka mēs vairs īsti neesam draugi vai jebkas.
uz visiem čīkstieniem par "why? why am i acting like this?" viņš atbildēja, ka: c'mon, because you're bored. and all you want is france all over again. just stop pretending that you don't enjoy feeling miserable.

"i hate you, because you know me. i love those people who thinks that i'm fun. those who know that i'm simply looking for ways to look fun-i can't stand them."

"can i have a beer with you later, if you find somebody else to drink with?"
"you're not a guy."
"but i want to be one."
"that- everybody knows."
"can i have beer with you if i promise never ever talk about myself again?"
"i'll think about it."

jā, man pietrūkst veco laiku.

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