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as i dream about movies they won't make of me when i'm dead -

Dec. 21st, 2010 12:43 am

[0:37:32] ali seza says: smiling. not a smiley. just smiling.
[0:38:31] ali seza says: there's probably the simple explanation that you don't need to get yet what you need
[0:39:02] ali seza says: plus, this dry soup thing i'm eating know is totally amazing. it has some real cheese in it.
[0:40:12] M says: sounds tasty
[0:40:27] M says: i think for all my years I still expect too much out of a partner
[0:41:09] ali seza says: do you have enough for her to expect back...that is the real question. it is really lovely, the soup. you should try it.

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