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as i dream about movies they won't make of me when i'm dead - Post a comment

Nov. 28th, 2010 12:24 am

dažādi pēdējo dienu dialogi.

- have you ever imagined killing somebody?
-wait... imagined or dreamed?
-no. beating up- yes. killing. no.
-i think so, yes.
-how long do you plan to live?
-what? wait. what?

-no, it is one of those films you can't understand so easily.
-oh, c'mon. if i have to spend all my life to study your life...
-then what?
-then- fuck you.

-blah, blah, blah, blah.
-you only have to keep it going for one and a half year.
-yes, you see?
-you know that there's no such thing as santa claus?
- there is!
-you should go and watch rare exports.

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