penny_lane | Jul. 13th, 2007 12:17 pm screamin' 1000 rock groups, each one great and playing psychedelic tunes, they serenade some hippies who smoke pot and live on a commune, in '68 they had prague spring,and revolution was in bloom, with JFK, we got to space, and put astronauts on the moon i wish i was back in the sixtie-ie-ies,world trade center rising fast,liz taylor and dick burton found true love, although it didn't last.beatles touring around, and woodstock was profound,when people tripped on LSD (ah, ah, ah, ahh) and in may '68, the paris kids wouldn't wait to try and change society-y-y.
i wish i was back in the sixtie-ie-ies, it would give me such a kick, i wish i was back in the sixtie-ie-ies, 'cause 2003 just makes me siiiiick
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