penny_lane | Dec. 8th, 2008 11:28 am es nesaprotu, ko es tur tik nelāgu pateicu? Anal Stage. You're 2-4 yrs old You scored 70% Fixation! Of which 54% oral, 70% anal, 64% phallic and 11% latency
You are stuck in the Anal Stage , the stage you are supposed to be in when you're 2-4 years old. Until now the baby has had it pretty easy. Now the baby is supposed to control bowels. In this phase a human learns obedience, self-control and self-consciousness. Well, something went wrong here. Anal Fixation can have 2 causes. These things are not just related to toilet training but also the baby must learn to control urges and behaviours (terrible twos). Either your parents were being too controlling or were not controlling enough (Freud was a great believer in moderation).
Anal Fixation has two possible outcomes: • The Anal retentive personality is stingy, with a compulsive seeking of order and tidiness. The person is generally stubborn and perfectionist. • The Anal expulsive personality has a lack of self control, being generally messy and careless.
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