penny_lane | Mar. 20th, 2008 02:49 pm cita starpā man ir jau 30 kolas dziesmas. viena no tām saucas 'facts of the life'. tur ir daudz skaistu citātu.
!22% of the time, a pizza will arrive faster then an ambulance in Great Britain
!The 'Guiness Book Of Records' holds the record for being the most stolen book in the public libraries
!Charles Chaplin once won 3rd place in a 'Charles Chaplin look-a-like contest'
!Only one book has been printed in more copies than the bible: the IKEA-catalogue
!More people die from a champagne cork popping, than from poison spiders
!41% of all people take people with curly hair less seriously
!20% of all females have had at least 1 homosexual experience
!In 1995 a japanese trawler sank because a Russian cargo plane dropped a living cow from 30,000 feet... ... ...
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