penny_lane | Dec. 17th, 2007 02:40 pm pēdējās trīs vēstules draudos mees esam idejuotes. bet tomer. galu galaa. viss tomeer ir smiekliigi. lai arii cik nozheelojami.
Atbrivojies no pagatnes? Kadas pagatnes? Kads iemests Daugavaa vai Seenaa? jaa, man ir labi.
to accrue to the account, to transfer to the account get a fucking tilde. and a wonderful morning to you too darling!
current music (..) Now I understand what you tried to say to me, How you suffered for your sanity, How you tried to set them free. They would not listen, they did not know how. Perhaps they'll listen now (..) Read Comments |