as i dream about movies they won't make of me when i'm dead - December 21st, 2010

Dec. 21st, 2010 12:43 am [0:37:32] ali seza says: smiling. not a smiley. just smiling. [0:38:31] ali seza says: there's probably the simple explanation that you don't need to get yet what you need [0:39:02] ali seza says: plus, this dry soup thing i'm eating know is totally amazing. it has some real cheese in it. [0:40:12] M says: sounds tasty [0:40:27] M says: i think for all my years I still expect too much out of a partner [0:41:09] ali seza says: do you have enough for her to expect back...that is the real question. it is really lovely, the soup. you should try it. Leave a comment | |

Dec. 21st, 2010 09:38 pm nopirku viltotus ādas svārciņus, tā vienkārši sanāca, bet drošības pēc atvainojos m.
tas beidzās ar četru h garu sarunu. jocīgi ir ar m. kamēr tās ir tikai sarunas, ir burvīgi. kad tā ir drusku dzīve. tad tā jau ir dzīve.
izlūkos neietu. bet, kurš gan mūsdienās iet izlūkos. Leave a comment | |

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