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as i dream about movies they won't make of me when i'm dead - December 9th, 2007

Dec. 9th, 2007 06:07 pm

rīts ir mūžīgs, apgulies pirms iešanas, mēs neesam pāris, mēs esam pālis, naivas maukas, nelaid dziļāk, tima bērtona dzejoļgrāmatiņa saka tā:


''her skin is white cloth/and she's all sewn apart/and she has many colored pins/sticking out of her heart

she has a beautiful set/ of hipno-disk eyes/the ones that she uses/to hypnotize guys

she has many different zombies/who are deeply in her trance/she even has a zombie/ who was originally from france

but she knows she has a curse on her/a curse she cannot win/ for if someone gets/too close to her,

the pins stick further in.''

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