penny_lane | Jan. 12th, 2017 06:31 pm īsumā par svarīgo viena meitene guļ koridorā, jo nevar gulēt telpā kopā ar puisi. dāma, kas nesen ieradusies, un aizraujas ar šamanismu, gulēs uz balkona, jo viņai nepieciešams vairāk gaisa pareizai elpošanai.
uz jautājumu, kāpēc nav internets, alise, ko patiesībā sauc par hongu, atbildēja, ciktāl mēs spējām saprast: shark bite the cable.
šīs kultūršocīgi seksīgās sarunas vispār ir lieliskas.
-you don't have a religion? -no, we believe in our ancestors. -but isn't that a religion? -no, we are atheists. -so your ancestors are not gods? - no, they are spirits. -where do the spirits go after the people die? -we burn them. -no, the... spirits. the souls? -they have a room. -they... what? -they have a room in our house where we pray for them. -and they live in that room? -yes. -so dying is like moving to another room? -yes.
___ -so age means a lot in vietnam? -yes. -why? -it is part of our culture. -why? -it's just culture.
_____ -is this charger clean or not clean? -??? -is this charger clean or not clean? -i...don't know. -because if it is not clean, i clean it for you. -??? -i'm very good charger cleaner. (paņem aifouna lādētāju, aizsoļo uz vannasistabu)
tikmēr 18gadīgais britu zēns pēc brokastīm pēkšņi saka: great breakfast, so, do you guys have sex before marriage?
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