penny_lane | Sep. 20th, 2016 05:13 pm prokrastinējot, lai pierādītu, ka kādam nav taisnība (mans mīļākais prokrastinēšanas veids), noskaidroju, kura dziesma pasaules vēsturē nopelnījusi visvairāk naudas caur visām šitām autortiesībām un licencēm un... kā nu to latviski sauc. rojaltijiem, vopšem.
varat pateikt bez gūgles?
ak, tas ir tik aizraujoši, jo pie tam (wikipēdija, piedodiet):
On February 8, 2016, XX agreed to pay a settlement of $14 million to those who had licensed the song, and would allow a final judgement declaring the song to be in the public domain, with a final hearing scheduled in March 2016. On June 28, 2016, the final settlement was officially granted, as the court "hereby declares that, as of the Final Settlement Date, the Song entitled YY will be in the public domain." The following week, a short-form documentary "YY: my campaign to liberate the people's song" was published online by The Guardian. Read Comments |