I almost always looked down at the floor as I spoke and did not think to try to make eye contact. If I did lookup, I would look at the other person’s mouth
as it moved while they were speaking. Sometimes a teacher speaking to me would ask me to look him in the eye. Then I would bring my head up and look at him, but it
took a lot of willpower and felt strange and uncomfortable. When I talked to someone, it was often in a long, unbroken sequence of words. The idea of pausing or of
taking turns in a conversation just did not occur to me.
I was never purposefully impolite; I did not understand that the purpose of conversation was anything other than to talk about the things that most interested you. I
would talk, in very great detail, until I had emptied myself of everything that I wanted to say and felt that I might burst if I was interrupted in mid-flow.
(Daniel Tammet "Born On A Blue Day")
Un tad, kad es sapratu, ka šis piegājiens galīgi nav ok un mani mūžīgi notur par supernepieklājīgu, es pārstāju sarunāties vispār. Vispār es sāku šito lasīt tieši aiz intereses par sinestēziju, bet te lielākā daļa no visa aprakstītā ir kā no manas bernības, jocīgi, man taču nav autisms. Bet jā, šī ir ļoti mierinoša grāmata, kaut arī tā liek atcerēties visādas nejaukas lietas, piemēram, no skolas laika, kaut kādā mērā tā ir kā izlīdzināšanās ar pagātni, jo tagad es zinu, ka vēl kāds to visu ir piedzīvojis, turklāt vēl daudz, daudz izteiktāk. Un galu galā, šī stāsta mērķis jau ir uzsvērt nevis visas tās lietas, kas neļauj iekļauties, bet tieši otrādi, pamazām rādīt, kā tu adaptējies un pierodi pie tā, kāda pasaule ir, un vairs tik ļoti nejūties tā, ka tu esi nepareizajā vietā un laikā, ka tu nekur neiederies. (man vispār šķiet, ka jebkādus fiziskus vai mentālus gļukus ir vērts baigi pētīt un tajos iedziļināties tikai tāpēc, lai saprastu un domātu, kā ar šo būs iespējams tikt galā.)
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“Of course you don't believe in fairies"
pelnufeja (
pelnufeja) wrote on October 7th, 2013 at 02:30 pm