pelnufeja ([info]pelnufeja) wrote on February 7th, 2019 at 04:50 pm
holes should be fixed
Atveru durvis, tur cilvēki zaļajās vestēs:
- Hi, we are here to fix the holes.
- Sorry?
- Do you have any holes in your wall?
- I don't think so.
- Can we come in and check?
- Sure. Has someone sent the request that any holes should be fixed?
- Yes.
Redzu, ka viņām rokās ir tas papīrs, kur droši vien ir info.
- In which room, exactly?
- We don't know.

Kad pēc pāris minūtēm gāju prom, viņas joprojām stāvēja gaitenī un kaut ko sprieda.
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