29 March 2018 @ 08:50 pm
The whole situation was undeniably bizarre, yet she displayed an almost total lack of curiosity, and indeed it seemed that this was what enabled her to maintain her composure no matter what she was faced with. She made no move to investigate the unfamiliar space, and showed none of the emotions that one might expect. It seemed enough for her to just deal with whatever it was that came her way, calmly and without fuss. Or perhaps it was simply that things were happening inside her, terrible things, which no one else could even guess at, and thus it was impossible for her to engage with everyday life at the same time. If so, she would naturally have no energy left, not just for curiosity or interest but indeed for any meaningful response to all the humdrum minutiae that went on on the surface. What suggested to him that this might be the case was that, on occasion, her eyes would seem to reflect a kind of violence that could not simply be dismissed as passivity or idiocy or indifference, and which she would appear to be struggling to suppress.

(Han Kang "The Vegetarian")
29 March 2018 @ 09:07 pm
When In-hye laid the food she’d brought out on the table, Yeong-hye said, ‘Sister. You don’t have to bring that stuff now.’ She smiled. ‘I don’t need to eat any more.’
‘What are you talking about?’ In-hye stared at her sister as though she were possessed. It was a long time since she’d seen Yeong-hye’s face shining like this; no, in fact, it was the first time. ‘What on earth were you doing just now?’ she asked.
Yeong-hye met her question with another. ‘Sister, did you know?’
‘Know what?’
‘I didn’t, you see. I thought trees stood up straight …I only found out just now. They actually stand with both arms in the earth, all of them. Look, look over there, aren’t you surprised?’ Yeong-hye sprang up and pointed to the window. ‘All of them, they’re all standing on their heads.’ Yeong-hye laughed frantically. In-hye remembered moments from their childhood when Yeong-hye’s face had worn the same expression as it did now. Those moments when her sister’s single-lidded eyes would narrow and turn completely dark, when that innocent laughter would come rushing out of her mouth. ‘Do you know how I found out? Well, I was in a dream, and I was standing on my head …leaves were growing from my body, and roots were sprouting from my hands …so I dug down into the earth. On and on …I wanted flowers to bloom from my crotch so I spread my legs; I spread them wide …’
Bewildered, In-hye looked across at Yeong-hye’s feverish eyes. ‘I need to water my body. I don’t need this kind of food, sister. I need water.’ 

(Han Kang "The Vegetarian")