23 October 2015 @ 02:14 pm
Tikko iedomājos, ka, ja uz citām planētām atklātu cilvēkiem tuvas dzīvības formas, nez, vai antropologi varētu braukt tās pētīt. Etnogrāfija varētu saukties, piemēram, reliģijas, maģijas un zinātnes attiecības marsiešiu civilizācijā".
23 October 2015 @ 11:28 pm
In a sense, ambiguity of literature is implacable because literature is never at peace with the world. Literature is inextricably bound up with the world while at the same time reserving a place of detachment that enables it to imagine it otherwise. Literature always exceeds its apparent capacity to represent the truth of the world. Insofar as it offers alternatives to the world, it is also what makes the world contain more than it is.

(Zlatan Filipovic "For A Future To Come: Derrida's Democracy And The Right to Literature")