pelnufeja ([info]pelnufeja) wrote on December 13th, 2015 at 11:02 pm
"Erica! You scared the shit out of me." Jackie had to intentionally restart her breathing.
The impossibly tall being seemingly made of bright black beams of light, shrugged, and there was the flutter of hundreds of tiny wings all beating at once.
"Fear is a reasonable response to life."
Jackie didn't have time for a general philosophizing from a being it was illegal to acknowledge existed. Or maybe she did have time. She wasn't about to pretend she understood anything at all about time.
"Yo're in my car, so explain why or get out."
Erica turned to look at her. Where eyes might be on a human being was a shadowy glow that Jackie could taste in the back of her mouth. Like strawberry candy covered in mud.
"I come with a message on behalf of the angels. We are afraid. All of us. I am perhaps the most afraid."
Jackie forced herself to meet Erica's gaze directly, or as directly as she could given that she could not locate their eyes.
"Is that message supposed to be useful to me?"
"It is not supposed to be anything. It is just a message. Messages are for the sender, not for the receiver."

(Joseph Fink, Jeffrey Cranor "Welcome to Night Vale")
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