pelnufeja ([info]pelnufeja) wrote on July 19th, 2015 at 02:49 am
If I faint now, she thought, they will kill me. The bees. They think I have a foreign smell. They crept and crawled of her, buzzed contentedly, probably thought she was a good tree in which to establish their new colony. It was as if they had swarmed on her forever. She noticed that she was about to lose her balance again, forced herself to stay erect. And suddenly it seemed to her that this was just a repetition of something, that she had undergone this before; she thought about what she had done as a child, when she wanted to escape a bad thing, then she had just closed her eyes and said kare, kare, kare, ma, ma, ma, without a sound; she had floated away and let everything happen to her, and she had survived, because she had a golden place far behind her eyelids that no one knew about, behind kare, kare, kare, ma, ma, ma, where she was alone and nothing could reach her. Now, inside the swarm of bees, she found her way back there. It would be all right, as long as they did not sting. (..) She herself was another person entirely, and she was many places simultaneously. I can kill them all. Within her everything grew quiet and light, and suddenly she remembered everything, everything that had happened (..).

(Erik Fosnes Hansen "Tales of Protection")
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