
[info]peacemaker @ 04:18 pm: Es arī nesaprotu, vai es rauju cauri Čaku Klostermanu tāpēc, ka esmu apslimis, vai tomēr otrādi. Te cita starpā intervijraksts par Radiohead, no kura Jorks izskatās patapinājis frāzes "In Rainbows" albumā. Tajā gabalā (shoutout to [info]chemist_dkir arī šāds teksts:

"Yet the songs are all about the same thing, really: learning how to understand a new kind of world. And while this isn't always simple, it's not necessarily depressing. In fact, it might be why Yrke still claims that "Hail to the Thief" is a record "for shagging," which is what he told the press months before the record was released. Apparently, we're all supposed to listen to "Myxomatosis" and get laid.

"I think this is a sexy record," Yorke says, and there is at least a 50 percent chance that he's serious. "The rhythms are very sexy. It's where the beats fall. It has its own sexy pulse."


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