H.P.Lavkrafta "stāstu idejas" :
http://www.lapetiteclaudine.com/archive s/011196.html
23 The man who would not sleep—dares not sleep—takes drugs to keep himself awake. Finally falls asleep—and something happens.
148 Vampire dog.
23 The man who would not sleep—dares not sleep—takes drugs to keep himself awake. Finally falls asleep—and something happens.
148 Vampire dog.
: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/stor y.php?storyId=15681603&ps=mpm <-- šeit noklausāmi daudz koncerti salīdzinoši labā kvalitātē. No random nu-folķeriem un postroķeriem līdz Tomam Veitsam, Spiritualized, Raconteurs, Radiohead...
Current Music: Spiritualized - Soul On Fire