

February 12th, 2008

01:23 pm: Rokijs Ēriksons tomēr sajuka stilīgāk par Sidu Baretu. Pierādījums gūstams viņa pēc-elevatoru dziesmu nosaukumos: "I Walked with a Zombie", "Two-Headed Dog", "Don't Shake Me Lucifer", "Creature With The Atom Brain", "Stand For The Fire Demon" u.t.t. Tiesa, pēc grupas "Aliens" izjukšanas viņš pavadīja gandrīz visas dienas, skatoties multenes ar fonā skaļi skanošu white noise - ieslēgtu putekļusūcēju, radio, kurš neuztver nevienu staciju...

Current Music: Roky Erickson & The Aliens - I Think Of Demons
08:52 pm: Hi, I'm Will Wright and I'm working on a new game called Spore(TM).
You've heard of it? Oh, that's right, you signed up to get the
Official Spore Newsletter. According to my notes, we haven't sent a
single newsletter out. Maybe that's why I've been hearing from so many
fans wanting some new information on Spore.

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