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Mar. 13th, 2009 | 10:29 am

Tātad - 23. jūnijā, 8.00 vakarā redzēšu dzīvu Helēnu Mirrenu uz Nacionālā teātra skatuves Londonā. Braucam ar draudzeni, un 3 dienu ceļojums tika nokārtots 20 minūšu laikā :)


by Jean Racine
in a version by Ted Hughes

Consumed by an uncontrollable passion for her young stepson and believing Theseus, her absent husband, to be dead, Phèdre confesses her darkest desires and enters the world of nightmare. When Theseus returns, alive and well, Phèdre, fearing exposure, accuses her stepson of rape. The result is carnage.

Look at me – see a woman in frenzy. I am in love.

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(no subject)

from: [info]pata
date: Mar. 13th, 2009 - 10:44 am

vai ne ;) liekas, ka šis būs visneaizmirstamākais Līgo vakars ever :)

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