Lacy F

[info]panacea @ 13:22: Ļoti izglītojoši, kas notiek sviesta krīzes laikā ir Norvēģijas piemērā:

Man ļoti patīk piemēram: A Norwegian newspaper sought to attract new subscribers by offering them a half kilo of butter, while students auctioned butter on the Internet in a bid to raise funds for graduation parties.[14] A number of individuals were apprehended by the authorities for attempting to smuggle butter across the border,[15] while Swedes posted online adverts offering to drive butter to Norwegians at prices of up to NOK 460 (€59; £50; $77) per packet. A Danish television show broadcast an "emergency appeal" for viewers to send butter and gathered 4,000 packs to be distributed to butter-starved Norwegians.


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