Donnie Darko (2001, Richard Kelly)

Sep. 1st, 2010 | 04:19 pm
From:: pamplemousse

Es vispār ļoti nepareizi skatījos šo filmu sadalot to divās daļās un otru noskatoties tikai pēc mēneša, bet es tik un tā ticu, ka tur kaut kas ir. Kaut kāda doma, kurā es diemžēl neiebraucu, kaut gribētu. Bet man ļoti patika soundtrack un šo lielisko citātu es vēl pieminēšu un reiz jau pieminēju:

Gretchen: My mom had to get a restraining order against my stepdad. He has emotional problems.
Donnie: Oh, I have those too! What kind of emotional problems does your dad have?
Gretchen: He stabbed my mom four times in the chest.
Donnie: Oh.

Tad es gandrīz nokritu no krēsla.
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