un visi tie dialogi filmās un grāmatās, kur viena gudra doma no vienas mutes, paver otru muti otrai gudrai domai, tādējādi veidojot kaut kādu fascinējošu saskaņas un visaptverošas patiesības sajūtu - tas tā nav. tas nav rāvējslēdzēja mehānisms, kas vieno un savieno. šie dialogi ir tikai pīnītes tamborēšana, tikai monologi. ja nu dzīvē ir tāpat, tad dialogs ir tukšs jēdziens. un man šovakar viens valdziņš tracina otru, mans monologs jau grasās pārvērsties asā dialogā, jo nepiekrītu nekam, ko saku. un tajā filmā džesse teica: I know what you mean about wishing somebody wasn't there, though. It's just usually it's myself that I wish I could get away from. Seriously, think about this. I have never been anywhere that I haven't been. I've never had a kiss when I wasn't one of the kissers. Y'know, I've never, um, gone to the movies, when I wasn't there in the audience. I've never been out bowling, if I wasn't there, y'know making some stupid joke. I think that's why so many people hate themselves. Seriously, it's just they are sick to death of being around themselves. Let's say that you and I were together all the time, then you'd start to hate a lot of my mannerisms. The way every time we would have people over, uh, I'd be insecure, and I'd get a little too drunk. Or, uh, the way I'd tell the same stupid pseudo-intellectual story again, and again. Y'see, I've heard all those stories. So of course I'm sick of myself.