I don't really mind being here with my mind - May 15th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 15th, 2015

[May. 15th, 2015|12:48 am]
[Tags|, ]
[Sajūtas | weird]
[Skaņas |Juli - Perfekte Welle]

Can you live too fast?
I don't want to. I'm here.
LinkIt's dark in here

Hahahaha [May. 15th, 2015|01:49 pm]
[Tags|, ]
[Sajūtas | amused]
[Skaņas |Rezonate - Ash]

I'm a tomato.
TAVEGYL to the rescue!
Link3 Oh, I see|It's dark in here

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