I don't really mind being here with my mind - March 28th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 28th, 2014

No homo [Mar. 28th, 2014|09:18 pm]
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[Sajūtas | cheerful]
[Skaņas |Breaking Benjamin - Enemy]

k34k43: sigh. was a fun game
Garu Sama: ay
k34k43: and i got a cup from the door :D
Garu Sama: O_O a cup? 2 girls one cup?
k34k43: Nē tikai Reinis
Garu Sama: sasodīts. tikai Reinis. almost like Renekton
k34k43: Tīrasiņu Ditfos 3 vieta
Garu Sama: imagine Renekton at your door
k34k43: so i got a cup :D
Garu Sama: Wuuu! so all you need now is 2 girls! gjgj!
k34k43: wann audiotion? : /
Garu Sama: supp XD im too far
k34k43: damn keyboard cant type straight
Garu Sama: wont make it to the audition. your keyboard is gay? no homo :/
k34k43: it does errupt into musicals sometimes
LinkIt's dark in here

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