I don't really mind being here with my mind - September 8th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 8th, 2013

There and back again [Sep. 8th, 2013|10:50 pm]
[Sajūtas | restless]
[Skaņas |Daughter - Shallows]

If you'll be good, I promise never to come home again.
Dur kaut kas starp sirdi un ribām lasot lietas un nelietas. Cenšos sev ieskaidrot, ka pagātnes vārdi ir tukšhi un nevienam vairs neko nenozīmē, lai gan zinu, ka vārdi ir vienīgais, kas cilvēkam tā pa īistam pieder.
LinkIt's dark in here

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