krēpjlācis - August 30th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 30th, 2016

[Aug. 30th, 2016|02:46 pm]
imagine you are a slave
to a family who sexually enjoy making you suffer
to acquaintances and roommates who are much the same
to poverty.
no escape.
not a god damn thing you can do about it.
and then one day
someone says they'll free you
but they keep postponing it
14 months pass
you finally make a complaint
because you've been dreaming of your freedom
and you can't stand the wonderful smell of it anymore
you need a bite of it
you NEED that bite
so you finally make a complaint
and instantly are accused:
"so our FRIENDSHIP was
to LET YOU GO, eh?"
we were friends for
how long?
15 years?
before you promised my freedom?
why is our entire friendship suddenly called into question?
you hold the fucking key to my shackles
and I've been staring at that key for 14 months
how have I wronged you?
is this not TORTURE?
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