[Jan. 2nd, 2016|02:40 am] |
"In Russia, the chairman of the presidential council for human rights, Mikhail Fedotov, was one of the first to have responded to the Baltic countries’ latest move. "I believe that this initiative, quite an old one, has no international or legal chances to succeed," he said. "But for me the moral aspect of this idea is far more important. Russia was a victim of the totalitarian regime, and not the culprit. A demand for a compensation from Russia for the crimes of the totalitarian regime would be equivalent to a collective lawsuit from the inmates of the Auschwitz concentration camp against the former inmates of another concentration camp, say Buchenwald," Fedotov said."
haha. bet, ja nopietni, Krievijai vajadzētu nedaudz pasteigties ar kompensāciju maksāšanu Baltijas valstīm, jo cilvēki, kas lielāko daļu savas dzīves pavadījuši Krievijas okupācijā, pārsvarā jau tuvojas savas dzīves nobeigumam. to, kādēļ Krievija nebija nekāds upuris, padziļināti ir pētījis Gatis Krūmiņš - http://nra.lv/latvija/138988-gatis-krumins-psrs-latviju-patereja.htm |