krēpjlācis - June 2nd, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 2nd, 2015

[Jun. 2nd, 2015|01:25 pm]
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[music |Greymachine - Wolf at the door]

I want to start a religion. Here would be the basic tenets:
* God = the universe
* There are no incarnations of the entire universe because that would be silly
* The universe (God) and life on earth had NO BEGINNING
* Whether or not consciousness continues in another form after physical death cannot be known
* Wrongdoing occurs due to detachment from nature/the universe
* Human suffering does not have a spiritual origin. It arrives at the hands of people who are detached from the universe/God. They fall out of touch with the universe, and turn to argument and blame and other attacks of all kinds.
* To keep in touch with nature/the universe, you must do so deliberately; you should revere it in awe and wonder, but do not do it within a rigid schedule, because doing so will get your mind accustomed to the idea of awe and wonder, and genuine wonder cannot come from that which is anticipated. This worship should be a special occasion, not mundane.
* Certain rites can bring you closer to nature/the universe, especially if you have strayed from a state of wonder. (to be determined later...)
* Confessing of wrongdoings is ridiculous, because this does not help you get closer to the universe
* Doing good naturally follows from being connected to the universe. The connection always comes first. However, doing good is still necessary. Connecting to the universe and then being heartless demonstrates such that must be disposed of.
* There are prohibitions and sacred things (to be listed later)
* Abortion shall be permitted
* Roles for the genders shall be somewhat prescribed, to protect the beauty of humans. Ugliness, whether physical or spiritual, will not be allowed reproduction. What good is a connection to the universe if we cannot even stand each other's company?
* Marriage shall become a thing of the past. Celebrations of love should be between a couple and the universe; the State should play no part in such natural affairs.
* Social programs to fight poverty should be a cornerstone, because we are particles in the roulette wheel of the universe, and there is no guarantee of survival waiting for our number to come up.
* We are at war with that which would attempt harm toward the universe. Christianity has done more such harm than any other group of humans in history; therefore we are at war against them.
* Nature provides the right medicine for all ailments.
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Some test results. [Jun. 2nd, 2015|08:20 pm]
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[music |Deafheaven - Violet ]

Neuroticism is the tendency to experience negative emotions. Individuals who score high on neuroticism are more likely than the average to experience such feelings as anxiety, anger, envy, guilt, and depressed mood. They respond more poorly to stressors, and are more likely to interpret ordinary situations as threatening, and minor frustrations as hopelessly difficult. They are often self-conscious and shy, and they may have trouble controlling urges and delaying gratification. Neuroticism is a risk factor for the "internalizing" mental disorders such as phobia, depression, panic disorder, and other anxiety disorders, all of which are traditionally called neuroses.

The Percentile is what percent of other people you score higher than - 93%

Agreeableness reflects how much you like and try please others. People who score high on this dimension tend to believe that most people are honest, decent, and trustworthy. People scoring low on agreeableness are generally less concerned with others' well-being and report having less empathy. Therefore, these individuals are less likely to go out of their way to help others. Low agreeableness is often characterized by skepticism about other people's motives, resulting in suspicion and unfriendliness. People very low on agreeableness have a tendency to be manipulative in their social relationships. They are also more likely to compete than to cooperate.

The Percentile is what percent of other people you score higher than - 9%
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