krēpjlācis - January 4th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 4th, 2015

[Jan. 4th, 2015|07:35 pm]
Norge ir burvīga! Kā var izveidot tik izcilu valsti?
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[Jan. 4th, 2015|10:53 pm]
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[music |The Cure - Figurehead]

I had a dream on the terrible ferry - I'm with one of my childhood friends and he can't go on an expedition with me because he has got some terrible disease, and it has destroyed his eyes, and he explains he didn't get it in a war against Russians but there is a water pipe bacteria and he just went in a bath and got the disease in his own house. Then there is a huge icy swimming pool and my grandmother (!!! she rarely goes out of the house) is swimming in it and shouting something specific about the bacteria. That is funny because she has worked on food tests in the laboratory and she is obsessed with all kinds of bacteria and diseases, totally paranoid.
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